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r<-"^(?:(((?:[^:])+)://))?((?:(?:(?!:/).)*)+)(?:(:([[:digit:]]+)))?(?:(/.*))?$" You can write r<-rex(start,## match the protocol -- may exist or may notmaybe(capture( capture(except_some_of(":")),"://")),## match the pathcapture(one_or_more(...
Wiki Security Insights Files main .github R aaa.R capture.R character_class.R counts.R escape.R lookarounds.R match.R or.R rex-mode.R rex.R shortcuts.R utils.R wildcards.R zzz.R man revdep tests vignettes .Rbuildignore .gitignore .lintr DESCRIPTION LICENSE NAMESPACE NEWS.md RE...
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MegrasaurousRex / cheatsheets Public forked from rstudio/cheatsheets Notifications Fork 1.2k Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights master 2 branches 0 tags Code This branch is up to date with master. Contribute ...
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