大多数流量很小(50%的数据流是单个数据包消息,大小介于32字节-1KB之间,表示小型RPC,例如基于RDMA的键值存储生成的那些[21,25]),大多数字节都在大数据流中(15%的数据流在200KB-3MB之间,代表背景RDMA数据流,如存储)。对于我们的默认情景,网络负载设置为70%利用率。 我们使用ECMP进行负载平衡[23]。 我们在§4.4...
RDMA has long been used by the HPC community in special-purpose Infniband clusters that use credit-based flow control to make the network lossless [4]. Because packet drops are rare in such clusters, the RDMA Infiniband transport (as implemented on the NIC) was not designed to efficiently...
I will present “FastWake: Revisiting Host Network Stack for Interrupt-mode RDMA”. I currently work with the Computer Network Protocol Lab at Huawei, and this is a joint work with our lab and Prof. Xiaoliang Wang from Nanjing university. First, let’s revisit why the interrupt mode is ...
We further show that the changes that IRN introduces can be implemented with modest overheads of about 3-10% to NIC resources. Based on our results, we argue that research and industry should rethink the current trajectory of network support for RDMA. ...
RDMA简介 简介 rdma和普通的tcp/ip有什么不同 tcp网络收发过程涉及的缓冲区 名词 RDMA操作细节 RDAM单边操作 (RDMA READ) RDMA 单边操作 (RDMA WRITE) RDMA 双边操作 (RDMA SEND/RECEIVE) 编程步骤 参考链接 简介 Remote data transfers between nodes in a network Direct...RDMA...