The tenderness between Gabriel Byrne, in the towering role of the fading Broadway actor James Tyrone, and Jessica Lange, as his beloved but tormented wife Mary, brings welcome relief from the overall misery of Eugene O’Neill’s semi-autobiographical masterwork, “Long Day’s Journey Into Night...
InLong Day’s Journey Into Night, a step into the past sets its lead character on a path ridden with dreams, memories and obsessions. Luo Hongwu (Huang Jue) returns to his hometown Kaili, from where he had fled many years ago, to attend his father’s funeral but slowly gets embroiled ...
Isherwood, Charles
and even though a lot of people I respect made a great deal of fuss over the film, for whatever reason I’ve never taken the time to give it a look. As such, I do not know how it compares to his ambitiously moody sophomore effortLong Day’s Journey Into Night, an ...
This is a very long film but a great one. For those with the patience and willing to invest the time -Long Day's Journey Into Nightis extremely rewarding and recommended - especially for fans of (or those who studied) the Eugene O'Neill stage play! It's a film I am very happy to...
“progressive” albums released every day, and the high level of quality of this year’s average release, an album such as Zhongyu’s eponymous debut is highly at risk of flying under the radar. A labour of love, many years in the making – as emphasized by the band’s name, meaning ...
And while the male Sasquatches are made for visual punchlines involving their macho hubris, floppy phalluses, or ineptitude to survive on their own, Keough's mother carries the weight of carrying on — and carrying a pregnancy over the course of a year-long journey. It is her mournful ...
These people can lecture me about morality any day of the week Anyway, if you buy into the idea that this is all in the service of the *greater good*, you also might want to consider what their version of a “good” future looks like. Because it ain’t pretty. It’s a transhumani...
I’ve really started to hone in on what I truly enjoy. While I’d love to be the kind of person who could read 100 books a year (on top of the reading I already do at work!), it’s definitely nice to be able to end the day or week (or even month, in some cases) with a...
I just want you to know what you’re getting into. 2. 15-Day Business Builder Challenge ($7) Have you ever eaten crow before? I have, and it actually doesn’t taste that bad at all. I was totally wrong about David’s 15-Day Business Builder Challenge. When I first heard it, I ...