The 1983 classic comedy film from Warner Bros. Pictures was written by John Hughes and was based on his short story “Vacation ’58 which appeared in the publication “National Lampoon.” The film was produced by Matty Simmons and also stars Imogene Coca, Randy Quaid, John Candy, Anthony Mic...
The text itself would have benefited from an editor’s eye, but the pesky errors lurking throughout the book are eclipsed by the unbridled passion for the subject that tumbles from its pages, provoking misty-eyed memories of a time long past; it not only transported me back to my youth, ...
Although not as polished as "For Men Only", it still has its amusing moments and there is plenty of eye candy in the form of the lovely young ladies. The performances of Aywayrd and Alba are also very funny. The film is a bit more daring than "For Men Only" in that it does incl...
it seemed that Humphrey Bogart came to own the part with his immortal portrayal of the private dick in Howard Hawks' "The Big Sleep", but thirty years later, Robert Mitchum received some of the best reviews of his career by playing Marlowe in the stylish 1975 film "Farewell My Lovely". ...