Good afternoon! On and off again player here, been playing since vanilla. Recently started up again with the Dragonflight Expansion. I found and have been loving the guild I’ve been in. We have been receiving AOTC since…
Greetings. Rdruid is the only healer I havent tried and I am starting to heal in M+ and was wondering if someone could just lightly check my rotation. At the start of combat, I drop efflo, then lifebloom on two seperate…
Zandrik 70 Night Elf Druid 18940 Mar 2023 Hello! I am looking to join a AOTC guild for 10.1 and onward. I have been a heroic raider since Emerald Nightmare back in Legion and am looking to get back into it. I took a little break back at the end of Shadowlands but came back for...
Druid Developers’ notes: We are making a follow-up change on the Omen of Clarity adjustment we made last week. We found the change that prevented Gift of the Wild from trigging Omen of Clarity was unnecessary, and will have a negative impact on Balance Druids, so that change is bei...
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