(2013) Respiratory failure in COPD. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 3 , 105-108 /MonicaRocco, ElisaAlessandri, AmaliaLaderchi, SilviaMarsili, GiorgioConti. (2013) Respiratory failure in COPD. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 3 , 105-108 /...
Administration of low concentrations of oxygen has become a widely accepted method of treating respiratory failure secondary to CORD. The immediate goal of this form of therapy is to minimize the danger of hypoxia. Supportive measures are aimed at improving oxygen delivery and reducing oxygen demands...
急性加重COPD(AECOPD)的治疗仍然有限,包括支气管扩张剂、非特异性抗炎皮质激素和抗生素,以及需要新的、有效的抗炎药物。 高分子量透明质酸(HMW-HA)是一种天然存在的糖,富含于细胞外基质,包括肺。HMW-HA具有一些特性,使其成为AECOPD治疗的一个有吸引力...
930118 Facial or nasal mask pressure supportventilation in managing acute exacerbation ofchronic respiratory failure in COPD patients.CHEN Rongchang(陈荣昌),et al.GuangzhouInstit Respir Dis,Guangzhou 510120.Chin Tu-berc & Respir Dis 1992;15(5)285-287.Eleven COPD patients(age:65±9 yrs)withacute ...
930118 Facial or nasal mask pressure supportventilation in managing acute exacerbation ofchronic respiratory failure in COPD patients.CHEN Rongchang(陈荣昌),et al.GuangzhouInstit Respir Dis,Guangzhou 510120.Chin Tu-berc & Respir Dis 1992;15(5)285-287.Eleven COPD patients(age:65±9 yrs)withacute ...
However, all of them refuse endotracheal tube intubation whenrespiratory failurehappened if they got COPD. 然而, 若是他们也罹患慢性阻塞性肺病,当呼吸衰竭须插管时,他们都会拒绝插管. 互联网 Results Among the 204 cases, 1 case died ofrespiratory failure, other cases all had cured. ...
COPD 合并 Ⅱ 型 呼吸衰竭病人的临床疗效观察 ObservationonclinicalcurativeeffectofnoninvasiveventilatorforCOPD p atientscom p licatedwithⅡres p irator y failure 李会玲,金梅梅,赵亚峰,李敏玲 LiHuiling , JinMeimei , ZhaoYafeng , etal ( AffiliatedFirstHospitalofMedicalCollegeofXi ’ anJiaotongUniversity ...
Respiratoryfailure 呼吸衰竭 PiO2150mmHg 肺通气ventilation 外呼吸 肺换气gasexchangePvO240mmHgPvCO246mmHgPAO2100mmHgPACO240mmHg Processofexternalrespiration I.概念:由于外呼吸功能严重障碍,以致静息时PaO2低于60mmHg(8KPa),伴有或不伴有PaCO2高于50mmHg(6.67KPa),并有一系列的临床表现。呼吸衰竭指数RFI(...
3.1 COPD and disturbance of consciousness most common clinical respiratory failure patients in COPD patients were positively related with respiratory disturbance of consciousness, that consciousness after independent turn, expectoration action, reaction to Huxing agent are slow, and easily absorbed ...
1. Methods: 40 patients with COPD complicating Respiratory failure were randomly divided into two groups. 方法:40例COPD并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者随机分为两组,对照组20例给予常规治疗,治疗组20例在常规治疗基础上,同时给予鼻(面)罩B ipap通气治疗,观察治疗前后临床症状、动脉血气等指标的变化。