Fifth-graders must learn the value of first drafts, second drafts and final copies, so they can edit, rewrite, modify, change and adapt their research paper introductions as they go. Continued research might give students a new slant to their topics or provide additional introductory material tha...
During such a curriculum, topics on sexuality, racism, and or classism are covered from a perspective of problem-solving. If parents object the teacher can point to the problem-solving emphasis of the curriculum while sharing norm-busting values with the students. Another way this tactic is use...
Research-Driven Approach At Age of Learning, we take a research-driven approach to developing our programs. Rigorous research studies involving more than 125,000 children globally have demonstrated that our programs help children make significant gains i
Similarly, their educational leader explained: “A book [for citizenship education] was chosen to cover all topics, to always be sure that we are safe […] The accountability is there […] We do not have to worry about it.” The perceived imminent threat of repercussions in case of any ...
parent-child relationships, signs of anxiety or depression, and risks associated with sexual behavior, drug and alcohol use, and other health-compromising behaviors—topics of research that IRBs often mistakenly assume automatically categorize child and adolescent research as greater than minimal risk. To...
This session encompassed topics such as accessing online IBL resources, designing IBL lessons using locally available materials, and strategies for actively engaging students in the inquiry process. We also introduced them to the outlines of two IBL activities included in the project’s design. The ...
Third and fourth-graders were taught under the new curriculum throughout their schooling. By contrast, first- and second-graders had little exposure to the new curriculum before the pandemic. “Students in the upper grades who have been exposed to the prog...
We suggest that all disagreements in study are discussed between the two graders and a third, in which a consensus can be arrived at between all three graders. Further, we encourage for this tool to be used as step 5 within the flexible seven-step OHAT framework [11]. Recent advances in...
It had to be someone that all the 3rd graders would recognize and interact with, someone who could keep a secret and a straight face, and someone who would be game for some extra fun. In my first year doing this activity, the guidance counselor agreed to be our bad guy, and the ...
THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE STORYTELLING (TPRS) TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS' VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Classoom Action Research of Al Quddus Second Graders ... Teaching English for primary school students much emphasizes on vocabulary. It is understandable since they are at the first stage of lear...