Cet article est incomplet. Vous pouvez aider le Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki en le complétant.The following information/confirmations of The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, an upcoming DLC set to be released on 31st December of 2020, has been collected: Sommaire...
我是日版的机子,想入一个以撒数字版,商店有个5300日元的《The binding of lsaac:repentance》,这个就是以撒吗,但是也不知道有没有中文,想问问吧里有没有大佬知道【图片】 分享52 以撒的结合吧 秋天冬天5 【MOD搬运】Repentence Plus 忏悔+ 内容介绍 REP+是近期mod社区内一款优秀的大型mod,添加的内容非常丰富,...
UnlockAPI = UnlockAPI.Library:GetSaveData("YourModName") --Do this after you load data (in the same function) UnlockAPI.Library:LoadSaveData(YourSaveData.UnlockAPI) Wiki Further info about the library can be found in the wiki.About A library for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance mods that...