40°法国人头马RemyMartin VSOP优质香槟区干邑白兰地375ml ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#UVFRUVwAZgkMDdkBMAqlMWkBSQd9MEgxOQ9LH9Aeng3hD6MKjTHoMTkFLgZpCukBpQgAMaINszBsCD8MCzE5MKMMIx/3CAAAsAgTMKIxTA==]
At Rémy Martin we speak of family and the relationship between the wine growers and the Hériard Dubreuil family is very close. Rémy Martin owns just 250 acres of land so the rest of our eaux-de-vie comes from wine growers in the region. We rely on each other. We consider them part...