In Canada, November 11 is officially called Remembrance Day, but it is also known as Armistice Day and Poppy Day. Remembrance Day is commemorated in many countries, particularly members of the Commonwealth, including Australia and New Zealand (where it is also referred to as Armistice Day). In...
In the run-up to Remembrance Day, replica poppies are sold by the Royal Canadian Legion to provide assistance to veterans. The reason that the poppy is worn for Remembrance Day is due to a Canadian physician and poet who noticed how quickly poppies had grown over the graves of soldiers who...
A poem for Poppy Day - my grandfather fought in both wars and dedicated a lot of time in later years to the British legion. I wanted to remember from the point of view that men and boys were lost from each side, that to the earth they are all lost and wo
The poppy is the symbol of Remembrance Day. In the run-up to Remembrance Day, replica poppies are sold by the Royal Canadian Legion to provide assistance to veterans. The reason that the poppy is worn for Remembrance Day is due to a Canadian physician and poet who noticed how quickly poppi...
About Remembrance Day Also referred to as Poppy Day or Armistice Day, Remembrance Day is observed in Commonwealth countries, includingAustraliaandCanada. Other countries such as the U.S. have similar observances likeVeterans Day. November 11 is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which...
My diary entry from that day would suggest not. The red poppy is the omnipresent symbol of Remembrance Day. But for this Chelsea fan, the scarlet tunic of the Chelsea Pensioner – with tricorn hat, black boots, medals – is the image that makes me tingle. Before the kick-off, members ...
Remembrance DayMy grandfather fought in world War II.My grandmother was a nurse in world War II.Today is November 11th.Today is Remembrance Day.Today we celebrate soldiers.Everyone wears a poppy.Poppies are red flowers.Poppies remind me of my grandparents.Poppies remind me their sacrifice.At 11...
大家可能留意到,最近幾天開始有人配戴紅色 Poppy,這代表 11 月 11 日 Remembrance Day 快要到了。為何當天人們要配戴紅色 Poppy?我們又可以做甚麼來紀念呢?以下將為大家一一介紹。
Sean B, Megan C, Edward D, Tabitha I, Ana L, Edward L, James P, Poppy T, Aedan W, Olivia W and Emily Z Children and the Impact of War Beyond the tales of heroism, war inflicts a distinctive set of challenge...
罂粟科罂粟属的Papaver rhoeas,国内的名字是虞美人 英联邦应该是一直有用虞美人纪念阵亡将士的传统 ...