1. Informazioni sulle presenti condizioniLe presenti condizioni si applicano all'uso di ogni funzionalità APM di PayPal.A titolo di riferimento:La funzionalità APMè fornita da PayPal e, se integrata nella procedura di pagamento online dell'utente o mediante l'invio di una fattura pro-forma...
party should ensure that in all cases all acts of torture are considered to be of a grave nature, since that is intrinsic and inherent in the very concept of torture. daccess-ods.un.org 此外,缔约国应确保在一切情况下,所有酷刑行为都被视为性 质 严重 的行 为,因为这是酷刑本身的概念中所...
To investigate individual longitudinal change of relative weight, overweight and obesity from age 5 to 25 years by gender. A cohort was imbedded i
Instead of putting a conflict to rest, allowing a de facto amnesty that grantsimmunityforserious crimes may just spur another cycle of grave [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 允许事实上的大赦,豁免严重的罪行,非但不会结束冲突,而且很有可能在 无法实现和平的同时触发新一轮严重暴行。
“As such” may be a simple transitional adverb for most people, but I still reflexively look for a noun phrase for that “such” to refer to. And I do this even though I know I’m in the minority. I can look at the evidence and see that the shift has happened, but it hasn’t...
The usefulness of any biomarker is influenced by a myriad of factors, key among which are the stability of the analyte(s) over time, e.g., day-to-day variability, and whether or not it is affected by diurnal factors and requires pre-sampling fasting. Prior to analyzing precious specimens...
The target positions of UAVs are assigned through a distributed Auction algorithm. Turpin et al. proposed a concurrent assignment strategy based on the KM algorithm for multiple robots in [28] to address the problem of target position determination. Gravell et al. [28] proposed another concurrent...
22 November 2020; Corrected: 22 January 2021; Retracted: 22 July 2021 Abstract: We performed a retrospective analysis spanning ten years of pediatric practice focused on patients with variable vaccination born into a practice, presenting a unique opportunity to study the effects of variable vaccination...
(1997 年俄罗斯的加入使得 G7 转变为 G8。) A multiracial society(多种族国家) Due to immigration from some Commonwealth countries in the 1950s and 1960s, most commonly from India, Pakistan and countries of the Caribbean, Britain now has a population of which 1 in 20 are of non-European ...
Therefore, we collected EEG data while healthy controls and adults with MDD attempted to maximize their emotional responses to positive images and during the resting state. Given prior work linking changes in relative power (i.e., the power difference between a pair of electrodes) to shifts in ...