Revue Des Maladies RespiratoiresTaille C, Raherison C, Sobaszek A, Thumerelle C, Prudhomme A, Biron E, et al. Particularites de l'asthme de la femme : quelle relation avec le statut hormonal. Rev Mal Respir 2014;31:469-77.
2 présentent les âges 14C, calibrés avec le logiciel Bcal ( Par corrélation visuelle entre les carottes, l'échantillon prélevé dans la carotte ANT 9902 correspond à la cote 115 cm dans la carotte ANT 01-I. Deux âges identiques ont été obtenus ...
This paper is an attempt to read Kierkegaard's upbuilding discourses centred around the theme "Every Good and Perfect Gift is From Above" in the perspective of hermeneutics of the gift presented by John Paul II in his book Man and Woman He Created Them. The authors analyze two complete...
Hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The cause of hyperhomocysteinemia is either an inborn metabolic defect or acquired. Main causes are either a defective homocysteine remethylation (thermolability of the enzyme 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate ...