1. 解释 window is not defined 错误在 Next.js 中出现的原因 在Next.js 中,window is not defined 错误通常发生在服务器端渲染(SSR)过程中。Next.js 默认会在服务器端渲染页面,而服务器端环境并不包含浏览器全局对象如 window、document 等。因此,如果在组件或页面的顶层代码中直接引用这些对象,就会导致此错误...
引入文件(nextjs项目): 1 import Vconsolefrom'vconsole' 报错: 处理: 1 2 3 4 5 letVconsole if(typeofwindow !=='undefined') { Vconsole = require('vconsole') } 打开调试: 1 2 3 4 5 6 if(typeofwindow !=='undefined') {// 加了一个打开调试的条件 constdebugConfig = /debug=1/g.test(...
引入文件(nextjs项目): 1 import wxfrom'./jweixin-1.6.0.js' 报错: 处理: 1 2 3 4 5 letwx if(typeofwindow !=='undefined') { wx = require('./jweixin-1.6.0.js') } 接下来正常处理wx配置就可以了。 有问题欢迎交流,谢谢!
错误:ReferenceError: window is not defined in nextjs 解决办法:使用动态导入 const Editor = dynamic( () => import("react-draft-wysiwyg").then((mod) => mod.Editor), { ssr: false, }, );
React-next.js中获取不到window属性问题ReferenceError: window is not defined,在componentDidMount里面获取即可componentDidMount(){this.scrolltops()console.log('window.inne
Steps to reproduce: include the component in something rendered server-side, e.g. in a Next.js app Expected behavior: does not cause server-side error Actual behavior: causes ReferenceError: window is not defined due to this line: react-...
It seems a bit too complex still for the described issue, but my initial guess is that react-use here: https://github.com/saitharunsai/nextjs-test/blob/master/src/hooks/use-window-scroll.ts have this block: https://github.com/streamich/react-use/blob/master/src/useWindowScroll.ts#L13...
Figure 1 : Fix for Next.js ReferenceError window is not defined How to fix window ReferenceError in Next.js? There are three easy ways to prevent this error. Check to see if the window object is defined Use the window object inside React useEffect hook or the componentDidMount lifecycle met...
信息如下: DJango Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined 原因 js语法有问题,未识别为js语法 ...
Bug I am trying to use this editor in NextJS. When i run coded and compiled then i got the error Server Error ReferenceError: window is not defined in NextJS. It is rendering fine on the first render, but after compilation when I refresh...