referenceerror: describe is not defined 文心快码BaiduComate 当你在JavaScript测试环境中遇到“ReferenceError: describe is not defined”这个错误时,通常意味着describe函数没有被正确识别或导入。describe是Mocha、Jest或Vitest等测试框架中用于定义测试套件的关键函数。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 确认测试框架: 首先...
What is Referenceerror: describe is not defined? The “ReferenceError: describe is not defined” is an error message that can arise while executing JavaScript tests. Typically, this indicates a problem with the configuration or usage of the testing framework, like Mocha or Jest. For instance, whe...
return describe(describeBlockTitle, function () { ^ ReferenceError: describe is not defined Member kentcdoddsclosed this ascompletedMay 6, 2018 I tried: Running jest plain does not find the tests. I don't have any Jest configuration.
全日志: 代码语言:javascript 复制 running"npm run now-build">>next build Creating an optimized production build...>Using external babel configuration>Location:"/tmp/7418164/.babelrc">Build error occurredReferenceError:describe is not defined at Module.kAI8(/t...
importing from@inrupt/solid-client-authn-browserfails in a jest test using jsdom environment: Test suite failed to run ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined 3 | */ 4 | > 5 | import { login } from '@inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser'; | ^ 6 | 7 | describe('test', () => {...
1,安装Babel转换器: npm install babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env -D 2,在项目根目录下新建一个.babelrc的文件,配置如下所示。 { "presets": [ [ "@babel/preset-env", { "targets": { "node":"current" } } ] ] } 3,再重新执行 =》npm run test image.png 就可以执行成功了 收获...
npm install开干,报错如下: 提取关键字: ReferenceError: primordials is not defined 经过网络...
Jest单元测试时fetch不可用问题 ReferenceError: fetch is not defined 解决方案 ReferenceError: fetch is not defined 解决方案 由于Jest UT是在Node下进行的测试,默认是没有导入fetch的。 在测试代码前加入以下代码: global.fetch = require('node-fetch'); 1 1...
describe is not defined causes a ReferenceError changes browserified file is run in browser by Karma, in which require is defined Heather Jones2023-06-01 "prompt is not defined" is not defined., When I run the programs in vscode it displays the error " referenceerror: prompt is not defined...
🐛 Bug Report Jest throws an ReferenceError: async is not defined error when the async keyword is used and there is a comment in the function args list. To Reproduce Define the following function in any file tested by Jest: const foo = as...