\ü\ (IPA /uː/)发音比较接近汉语拼音u(呜),与上节课学过的\u̇\差别较大。 发音要领如下: 1. 开口度小,与\ē\ (IPA /iː/)相近。双唇成圆形且突出。 2. 舌后部抬高,舌尖通常不接触下齿。舌体较紧张,但舌两侧与上方槽牙依然无紧密接触。 \ü\与\u̇\...
Bilaceroglu S, Cagirici U, Gunel O, Bayol U, Perim K. Comparison of rigid and flexible transbronchial needle aspiration in the staging of bronchogenic carcinoma. Respiration 1998;65:441-49.Comparison of rigid and flexible transbronchial needle aspiration in the staging of bronchogenic carcinoma. ...
人物简介: 一、王永军担任职务:王永军目前担任鄂托克前旗兴盛盐化有限责任公司鄂尔多斯市销售分公司法定代表人;老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 更新时间:2024-08-17关联企业1 担任法定代表人1 担任股东0 担任高管0 所有任职企业1 作为最终受益人0 所属...
精选 推荐 探索 直播 放映厅 短剧设置 业务合作 搜索 邈 关注 300 粉丝 200 获赞 60 抖音号:41494421811IP属地:江苏 私信关注 关注私信 作品2 喜欢 搜索Ta 的作品 视频 热门:陈勋奇西安邮电大学陈叶玲雨纷了北风吹乱了什么歌挥着翅膀的女孩英文版小学生演唱...
Marbach P, Bauer W, Briner U, Doepfner W, Petcher T, Pless J. Structure-function relationships of somatostatin analogs. Horm Res 1988; 29:54-58,Marbach P, Bauer W, Briner U, Dopfner W, Petcher T, Pless J: Structure-function relationships of somatostatin analogs. Horm Res 1988, 29: ...
doi:10.1159/000236836Wüthrich, B.Schindler, C.Leuenberger, P.Ackermann-Liebrich, U.S. Karger AGInternational Archives of Allergy & Immunology
Protecting Drug SafetyIn the past 10 years, safety issues have become increasingly important in pharmaceutical packaging, from needle sticking safety to counterfeit protection.doi:http://www.pharmtech.com/pharmtech/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=uuml...
Undar L, Karpuzoglu G, Karadogan I, Gelen T, Artvinli M. Tuberculosis- associated haemophagocytic syndrome: a report of two cases and a review of the literature. Acta Haematol 1996; 96:73-78.Undar, L, Karpuzoglu, G, Karadogan, I, Gelen, T, Artvinli, M (1996) Tuberculosis-...
Immediate reopening of acutely occluded coronary arteries via primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the treatment of choice to salvage the ischemic myocardium in the setting of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, the sudden re-initiation of blood flow achieved with...