It is shown that a pole problem may arise from the use of a reduced Gaussian grid in the spectral transform method on the sphere. The problem is related to an asymptotic property of the associated Legendre functions and can be solved by slightly increasing the number of points close to the...
curve in non-side-looking mode) but it would spread into neighbor girds due to the grid mismatch problem. The slight change of these grids will cause a severe influence on recovery. Therefore it
The exact parameter \(q^{\mathsf e}\) contains differently regular parts: a Gaussian function, a hat function, and two discontinuous obstacles with local support on the background \(q_0\) as shown in Fig. 7. Again, all methods capture the dominant characteristics of \(q^{\mathsf e}\...
configured with T63 horizontal resolution (~1.875° on a Gaussian grid) and 47 unevenly spaced vertical levels. The land-surface, dynamic-vegetation model JS
In this case, a diagonal Gaussian is used as shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3 Architecture of the cVAE when used for basis generation: sample latent vectors are taken from the prior distribution \(\epsilon\) and concatenated with the conditioning vector \(\varvec{p}\) before these latent ...
The full Gaussian quadrature is used to evaluate Km while the reduced one-point Gaussian quadrature is used to evaluate Ks for the bilinear plate element. Full details and the background of reduced integration can be referred to Hughes et al. (1977). View chapterExplore book Integration methods...
(31). However, this has several drawbacks from a computational point of view since it would require the storage of the value of the 1D shape functions ϕα for each 3D or 2D Gaussian quadrature point, which is costly. In addition, it would force the development of additional loading ...
We adopt the Gaussian assumption for mathematical convenience in the absence of more precise information about the data-model error structure (Feyen et al. 2003, Luo et al. 2003, Luo and Zhou 2010). Prior knowledge -- The prior PDF P(p) is specified by giving a set of limiting ...
For the inputs of fuzzy systems, three Gaussian fuzzy sets are defined, which yields nine fuzzy inference rules. In Experiments 1–3, the fuzzy systems are of the first order; that is, the then-part functions are linear. It results from the fact that in the ANFIS model, the then-part...
The computational grid of the problem of the flow around a circular cylinder Full size image The reason for having more accurate results by the PINN-based ROM could be attributed to the regularization effect that is brought to the ROM by taking into consideration the physics at the reduced leve...