Free 5y warranty for all new REEFER G2+! Are you considering purchasing a new system? Then say hello to greater peace of mind, as Red Sea REEFER G2+ systems are available* with an industry leading, 5 year extended limited manufacturer’s warranty!
Then say hello to greater peace of mind, as Red Sea REEFER G2+ systems are available* with an industry leading, 5 year extended limited manufacturer’s warranty! * Offer is available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Taiwan, the ...
Red Sea REEFER MAX® G2+|即插即用智能珊瑚水族箱 4.4 REEFER MAX 170 G2+ 60 cm | 165 L 4.5 REEFER MAX 200 G2+ 60 cm | 200 L 4.6 REEFER MAX 250 G2+ 90 cm | 245 L 4.8 REEFER MAX 300 G2+ 90 cm | 300 L 4.7 REEFER MAX 350 G2+ ...
When choosing a system, you can go down two roads: The build your own REEFER G2+ systems which provide a flexible layout for all your preferred hardware, and the Plug & Play MAX systems which come with all the equipment you need for a thriving reef.
新款G2+以色列RedSea红海鱼缸Reefer豪华版海水珊瑚缸水族箱造景 券后价¥4697.5价格¥4797.5 发货地:山东 淄博 100元优惠券 使用期限:2025-02-10 去淘宝领券 双鱼海景精品水族 进入淘宝店铺 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝或天猫与第三方卖家进行,本网站不参与交易,如有交易产生的疑问请...
缸:红海Reefer 525 G2 1606055cm 540升 灯:红海RL-160S 两组 蛋分:红海RSK-900(附送活性炭) 造浪:红海Reefwave 45 两组 滴定:红海Reefdose四头 一组 卷纸机:红海Reefmat 1200 水泵:八爪鱼Varios 6 冷水机:出现点小问题,暂时没送来,下次上门服务时再安装调试。(目前室内先用空调+风扇降温除湿) 海盐:红海...
redsea红海 货号 reefer-s 鱼缸形式 独立式 材质 玻璃 鱼缸类型 海水缸 适用对象 鱼 适用场景 公司,办公室,卧室,书房,餐厅,墙壁,酒店,饭厅,办公桌,客厅 鱼缸过滤类型 底部过滤 尺码 大型 颜色分类 S550 G2+黑/白,S550 G2+豪华版(含2 x ReefLED 160S 与支架)黑/白,S700 G2+黑/白,S700 G2+豪华版(...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现RedSea以色列红海Reefer MAX海水专用玻璃缸水族箱珊瑚套缸海缸的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于RedSea以色列红海Reefer MAX海水专用玻璃缸水族箱珊瑚套缸海缸的信息,请来淘宝
预览播放中,打开优酷APP看高清完整版 红海Red Sea Reefer - 为专业级爱好者设计的高延展性珊瑚礁 +追 超清画质 评论 收藏 下载 分享 选集 09:25 kraken_高清 2016-06-17 06:33 番外篇:cove蛋分_高清 2016-06-17 02:30 Reef Octopus八爪鱼壁挂蛋分 BH-2000 HOB Protein Skimmer - 2016-06-17 ...
Remy Fills His Red Sea Reefer 625 G2+ Jeremy Gay Nov 2, 2023 0 Reef Therapy host Remy has finally filled his Red Sea Reefer 625 and its going to be a hybrid of methodologies, learning, and hopefully a lot of fun. After much debate with both the pro-bacteria and pro-sterile tank gu...