T14 G1 no sound from Speakers & Realtek 2nd output Hello everyone, I've started using a T14 G1, setting it up all new, but there is no onboard Audio (no sound from Speaker, no sound from Realtek 2nd output if headphones plugged in), therefore no listeni...
要解决好像还要到DOS里。不过懒人有懒人办法,我直接买了个USB外接声卡,就行了。 而且不要驱动。省事,外设的比内设的声卡声音好。
So after the Bios update , my pc worked again with no red light but I haven't had any sound since that moment. Audio is enable in BIOS. My audio jack is detected and when there is a sound, it is noticed by the system: My monitor has speakers and via the graphic card, I have ...
9、开始—控制面板—声音和音频设备—声音,看看是不是调成无声的了,然后选windows默认 10、点击开始-运行,输入regedit,回车,这就打开了注册表,点几HKEY-CURRENT-USER,再点击其中的ControlPanel项,再击其下的Sound中的Beep将它的值由No改为Yes重启,是不是又听见久违了的开关机声音了 11、把原...
9、点击开始-运行,输入regedit,回车,这就打开了注册表,点几HKEY-CURRENT-USER,再点击其中的ControlPanel项,再击其下的Sound中的Beep将它的值由No改为Yes重启,是不是又听见久违了的开关机声音了 10、把原来的帐户删除了,创建一个新的帐户,这样开关机就有声音了,可能是用户配置文件出错造成的...
Re:No sound from speakers using Realtek ALC287 Have you seen this? If this is your model (with the Ryzen cpu), this might work. It seems that enabling deep sleep is the first step toward solving the audio issue related to the kernel. ...
交你个方法:安装360,在360里找到你的启动项,看看你的启动项有没有声音启动,打开360,点选最顶端的"高级"选项,然后在 "启动项状态" 里 ,360下载地址http://www.360.cn/ 然后点选声音选项为开机启动就行了
0,还有驱动精灵最新版 使用声卡一键修复后,再用驱动精灵检测并安装最新的声卡驱程 好了,驱程更新重启后,音箱问题解决,但耳机还是没声音?右键安装后的声卡驱程设置,进入声音管理器面板,左列有一个文件夹符号(在高级设置下面的),进入后,选择禁用前面板插孔检测,耳机问题也解决了!
The PC no sound issue could indicate missing or faulty audio drivers. When your computer has no sound, you may want to check if you’re using the latest correct audio driver. In this post, you’ll learn how to install the latest Realtek audio driver easily for your computer. ...
Are you have a problem with no sound at all in the menu or game through your Realtek HD Audio in Star Wars Battlefront 2? I resolved this by uninstalling the Realtek packages from the control panel and let Windows choose the driver automatically. I opened a ticket with EA...