With the 9 Pro, Realme decided to go for a higher refresh rate rather than a 90Hz OLED, for example. It's up to debate whether this is a good decision,...
We put that to the test in our usual synthetic benchmarks. We've also put it against other competing SoCs available in similarly-priced rivals. GeekBench 5 (multi-core) Higher is better Sort by Label Sort by Value Poco X3 Pro 2574 Realme 9 Pro+ 2335 Realme 9 Pro 2020 OnePlus ...
Yes, the realme 9 Pro+ has an outstanding autofocusing system. But we know you want to have more control over where to zoom and to focus. Now you can do it with a simple swipe and tap. For realme fans, by realme fans The 90s called, they want you to use the 90s Pop filter and...
The realme 9 Pro+ can take mesmerizing long exposures, normally only possible with an SLR camera. Just touch and hold to make the magic happen. Change your focus at will Yes, the realme 9 Pro+ has an outstanding autofocusing system. But we know you want to have more control over where ...
充电安全方面,realme真我Q2 Pro拥有过充保护、过压/过流保护、过温保护、极端情况保护以及安全IC芯片等5重安全防护能力,能够有效提高复杂使用场景下的充电安全系数。下面,我们就实际测试一下65W智慧级闪充的实际表现。我们将realme真我Q2 Pro的电量放光,进行充电测试,3分钟充到13%,9分钟充到41%,15分钟充至60%...
realme真我X7 Pro可通过超减光视频算法,提升暗光视频的亮度与画面纯净度,并对夜景视频效果进行实时场景智能分析,防止色偏,轻松输出1080P/30fps视频。对于喜欢别出心裁的拍摄者来讲,realme真我X7 Pro内置的电影模式不仅具备21:9比例画面,还有至少10款电影滤镜、电影旁白以及电影字幕功能,可为精彩画面添加音乐、...
接下来我们在5G信号覆盖的区域内,使用主流测试工具Speed Test进行5G网络下的测速。realme真我X50 Pro 5G网络速度目前在笔者家附近可以稳定在487Mbps左右,这样的速率是由于笔者拿到的是早期工程机、以及运营商网络不太稳定所致。即便如此,真我X50 Pro的网速体验仍比4G下快很多。尤其是对比普通4G网络的24.9Mbps的下行...
Average Touch Response TimeRealme GT 2 Pro 82 ms Fast Slow This response time test precisely evaluates the time elapsed between a single touch of the robot on the screen and the displayed action. This test is applied to activities that require high reactivity, such as gaming. ...
realme 真我 Q3 Pro还采用新一代屏下指纹技术,通过新增安全滤光片,让投射光线从绿色升级至全谱白,提升监测识别维度,大幅度提升了安全性能。搭配高亮屏幕投光和强大处理核心,熄屏指纹解锁时间仅为300ms-400ms,相当于人的一次眨眼。作为一款堆料非常厚道的机型,realme 真我 Q3 Pro拥有杜比全景声和Hi-Res“小...
realme GT 7 Pro ₹59,999 Reviews ( 1426 ) 4.9 Average rating based on 1426 reviews Great Sound Quality 97 Outstanding Performance 95 Worth Buying 39 Long Battery Life 35 Super Fast Connection 30 Top Notch Noise Cancellation 28 B***9 Best Earbuds in this price range 🔥🔥ve...