Another problem is the downsam- pled image has almost no noise, while real-world images in X usually have a lot. Mere estimation of the blurry kernel cannot accurately model the degradation process. In this paper, we propose a novel Realistic degradation f...
Here, we investigate the neurobiological basis of stress resilience, by showing that neural responsitivity of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC-NE) and associated pupil responses are related to the subsequent change in measures of anxiety and depression in response to prolonged real-life stress....
" So I created a series of perceptual machines to help us defamiliarize and question the ways we see the world. 如今,我很少意识到我带着眼镜,除非发生了一些事情,引起我的注意,比如,眼镜脏了,或者度数不够了。所以我自问:“作为一名艺术家,我能创造出什么作品,来吸引注意力,就如同数字媒体那样——像...
These results set the stage for quanti- tative tests of forward models of spoken language processing. Keywords: Speech rate; prosody; expectations; speech processing; visual world paradigm Introduction Expectation-based approaches in which perceptual input is evaluated with respect to internally generated...
Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data Xintao Wang1 Liangbin Xie∗2,3 Chao Dong2,4 Ying Shan1 1Applied Research Center (ARC), Tencent PCG 2Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sc...
resolution512choose from [128, 256, 512] resolution of rgb/depth image initial_orn[0, 0, 3.14]initial orientation (in radian) for navigating, the reference frame is world frame speed : timestep0.01length of one physics simulation step in seconds(as defined inBullet). For example, if timest...
For example, both, silk and sand deform and change shape in response to exploration forces, but each does so in very different ways. Studies show that the haptic perceptual space has multiple dimensions corresponding to the physical properties of textures, however in these experiments the range ...
We study this question by integrating a generic perceptual skill set (e.g. a distance estimator, an edge detector, etc.) within a reinforcement learning framework--see Figure 1. This skill set (hereafter mid-level perception) provides the policy with a more processed state of the world ...
One of the most common perceptual errors is thefundamental attribution error, which refers to our tendency to explain others’ behaviors using internal rather than external attributions (Sillars, 1980). For example, when I worked at an urban college in Denver, Colorado, I often had students come...
(ACNH) became a household name, with millions of copies sold worldwide. The article used the Bayesian multilevel model to analyze 640 survey responses of ACNH game players from various online communities. The correlations between the perception of limited resources and virtual planting and ...