【严阵以待】SWAT4重制版地图:完整通关流程 | Ready or Not SWAT 4 Remastered Maps FULL Playthrough 5682 2 15:07 App 【严阵以待】洛杉矶警局地铁部门和特警响应咖啡馆枪击案 | Officer Involved Shooting with Patrol Officer Mod 1.8万 7 9:46 App 沉浸式体验美国校园枪击案:严阵以待1.0 单人挑战!School...
You should fall through the floor; if not, spin in circles while crouched until it happens. If you end up in some random room with no doors or windows, you will be stuck and must kill yourself to be freed. Once under the palace, you can shoot through the walls, but no one can ...