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bili_87074400412创建的收藏夹RE英语内容:国家地理 精讲【Reading Explorer 1级 课文+练习】全网首个国家地理完整精讲 配(全套教材PDF+视频音频+答案),如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
英语学习国家地理读物Reading Explorer课后练习册L1-1 1A-THEINCREDIBLEDOLPHINParagraph 正文A Many people say dolphins are ___(intelligence). They seem to ___ able tothink, understand, and learn things ___(quick). But are they as smart ___humans, or are they more like cats and dogs? Dolphi...
1The author has an opinion about climbing tourism at Mount Everest. Which sentence from the article shows this? (A)Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (B)Maybe they should climb differently. (C)Many climbers have died. ...
Reading Explorer F 2B-1 The Hottest Chilies 晶英加拿大超详细全英讲解英文原版阅读教材 1429 -- 16:09 App Reading Explorer 1-2A The Trip of a Lifetime ( part 2) 晶英加拿大全英讲解英文原版阅读教材 1.5万 20 9:40 App 什么样的孩子不适合学Reading Explorer和Great Writing?超专业避坑指南! 1529...
1、 在开始精读前,第一步是warm up用reading explorer 1 我们用第8章的内容做实例。每个章节的开头是有一块是Discuss these questions with a partner. 这类的开头问题基本上就是为了调动阅读的兴趣,先整合你之前的知识脉络,为后面的阅读和深入思考进行铺垫。这类问题没有绝对的对错。如果自己没有一点想法,可以...
【题目】Passage 15(素材选自 READING EXPLORER Book 1)秦始皇的丰功伟绩和兵马俑The first emperor of China,Qi
美国小学课外阅读Reading Explorer Level 1(英文讲解)共计23条视频,包括:1-A、1-B、2-A等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
1,864-mile Te Araroa trail Image 1. Chris and Jorinde Rapsey with their children, Jonathan, 6, and Elizabeth, 9, near Te Arai Point on the North Island of New Zealand.Photo by: Jorinde Rapsey New Zealand is an island country in the Pacific Ocean. Its main islands are the North Island...
【Reading Explorer第三版1级别】 1B 伪装大师, 视频播放量 475、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 9、转发人数 4, 视频作者 北外学长Frank, 作者简介 讲点有用。,相关视频:UNLOCK3第三单元精读2 怎样解决交通堵塞,unlock3第三单元精读1 马斯达尔-未来之城,U