使用react-hook-form-mui,开发人员可以更快速地构建表单,并且可以轻松地进行表单验证和数据处理。 简单Demo 下面是一个以ReactMUIreact-hook-form-mui简单用例 import React from 'react'; import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; import { Button } from '@mui/material'; import { FormContainer, Text...
问:react-hook-form和MUI FormControl是什么? 回答: react-hook-form是一个轻量级且强大的表单验证库,它可以帮助开发人员简化表单验证的过程。相比于传统的表单验证方式,react-hook-form使用了无状态组件和hooks的方式来管理表单的状态和验证规则,使得开发者能够更加高效地处理表单数据验证。 MUI FormControl是Material-...
React-Mui-Hook-Form Creating forms inReactis harder then one might think 🙈. After a lot of trying we settled on a solution we are quite happy with. We basically use the awesome work of the following three packages in order to provide easy to use translatable form elements: ...
@mui v5是一个基于React的UI组件库,而React Hook Form是一个用于处理表单的库。当使用@mui v5和React Hook Form 7时,自动完成功能可能无法正常工作的原因可能有以下几点: 版本兼容性问题:确保你使用的@mui版本和React Hook Form版本是兼容的。不同版本之间可能存在API变化或者兼容性问题,导致自动...
{ "version": "7.0.1", "license": "MIT", "repository": "https://github.com/dohomi/react-hook-form-mui", "homepage": "https://react-hook-form-material-ui.vercel.app", "keywords": [ "react", "mui", "material-ui", "react-hook-form" ], "workspaces": [ "apps/*", "packages...
import {useWatch} from 'react-hook-form-mui' // instead of react-hook-form const MySubmit = () => { const value = useWatch('fieldName') return ( <Button disabled={!value}>Submit</Button> ) } Bundle This project uses tsup to wrap the package for npm. Support Maintanance If you ...
This project simplifies the use of `react-form-hook` and `Material-UI`. It provides opinionated use cases with following components:. Latest version: 2.0.2, last published: 4 years ago. Start using react-form-hook-mui in your project by running `npm i re
React-hook-form-mui(一):基本使用 前言在项目开发中,我们选择了React+MUI作为技术栈。在使用MUI构建form表单时,我们发现并没有与antd类似的表单验证功能,于是我们选择了MUI推荐使用的react-hook-form-mui库去进行验证。但是发现网上关于这个库的使用方法和demo比较少且比较简单,并没有复杂的表单验证的demo。因此本文...
Most UI libraries are built to support only controlled components, such as MUI and Antd. But with React Hook Form, the re-rendering of controlled components are also optimized. Here is an example that combines them both with validation.
However, it's hard to avoid working with external controlled components such as React-Select, AntD and MUI. To make this simple, we provide a wrapper component, Controller, to streamline the integration process while still giving you the freedom to use a custom register....