I upgraded from react-naitve 0.55.4 to react-native 0.57.0 and I get this error bundling failed: Error: The 'decorators' plugin requires a 'decoratorsBeforeExport' option, whose value must be a boolean. If you are migrating from Babylon/Babel 6 or want to use the old decorators proposal,...
2、修改package.json中react-native的版本为0.44.3 react为16.0.0-alpha.6 3、react-native run-ios 就可以啦 后来是出现我发你的问题 我觉得 应该是我这边vpn的问题,所以我重启了一下电脑 然后重置了模拟器 就可以了 友情提示:如果你用的ReactNative版本为0.45.1,新建项目之后运行出现这个错误: 'boost/iterato...
上述示例中看到,在执行react-native init myApp初始化项目时,会在本地生成项目目录,安装本地react-native后,执行本地react-native目录下cli.js init方法继续完成初始化工作。执行react-native start等其他命令时,会将命令交由本地react-native目录下cli.js run方法完成命令执行工作。 2. react-native init myApp 执...
error: unknown command 'unlink',请问有哪位大神,遇到了,亟待解决,求帮助? 如果提供的思路能够解决问题,会给予一个红包作为回报。 已经找到解决办法。 1、在项目的根目录下新建一个react-native.config.js文件。 文件中如下配置: // react-native.config.jsmodule.exports= { dependencies: {'react-native-doc-...
Summary Hi, While testing the Bridgeless New Architecture of react-native 0.74 I got the following error (NOBRIDGE) ERROR Error: Exception in HostFunction: <unknown> and the following in Xcode SurfaceRegistryBinding::startSurface failed...
Run the command in terminal : cd android && ./gradlew clean Open gradle.properties files newArchEnabled=false Run the project : cd .. && npm start -- --reset-cache npm run android This worked for me. Not exactly related to native-reanimate, but same error on other library.yasir...
npx react-native run-android 这条线使用的是端口8081,我的MacBook有时确实使用这个端口进行另一项服务...
import{ ScrollView }from'react-native-gesture-handler'; - react-native 安卓状态栏 一直无法透明,占位不能沉浸式,网上方法都无效的情况下 检查三方库,react-native-keyboard-controller的 <KeyboardProvider statusBarTranslucent={true}> - ReactNative二维码扫描通用方案 ...
5.I had similar problem - what helped was running npm start -- --reset-cache command. 6.npm add @babel/runtime work for me. 7.Seeing this issue when upgrading to RN 0.57. I've tried all suggestions and nothing worked for me. In the end I switched to react-native-config, it's ...
接下来进入到创建的工程中执行npm start: 其完整的日志如下: (base) xiongweideMBP:reactnativestudy xiongwei$ cd AwesomeProject/(base) xiongweideMBP:AwesomeProject xiongwei$ npm start > @ start /Users/xiongwei/Documents/workspace/reactnativestudy/AwesomeProject ...