很早前就看漫画了,不过也是停更很久了,据闻也是差不多的原因,raw貌似去到100话。其实漫画看到五十多话就开始有点闷了,因为过程太流水账,战斗也是比较短,很大部分是主角说话推进剧情。动画制作Studio DEEN,制作算中等偏下水平,原作中比较黑暗的部分也省略了。对于看过漫画的观众来说,也许反而吸引力不够。扫雷评分:...
很早前就看漫画了,不过也是停更很久了,据闻也是差不多的原因,raw貌似去到100话。其实漫画看到五十多话就开始有点闷了,因为过程太流水账,战斗也是比较短,很大部分是主角说话推进剧情。动画制作Studio DEEN,制作算中等偏下水平,原作中比较黑暗的部分也省略了。对于看过漫画的观众来说,也许反而吸引力不够。 扫雷评分...
Her abilities and powers due not come from raw power. Rather, she has years of experience. She can prepare complex defenses. She can communicate with plants and receive their help. She can rest in wait patiently for an ambush. Even that divine oni would struggle to successfully attack her ...
","body@stringLength":"672","rawBody":" And... it happened again within a few more sim days from when I posted the last update. There is no lamp in the room, the children were sleeping in single beds, and they were both awakened at the same time and \"Scared by Mons...
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY:-}/update/${upj}" \ "$base_template"local module_output="${app_name_l}-${RV_BRAND_F}-magisk-v${version}-${arch}.zip" local module_output="${app_name_l}-${rv_brand_f}-magisk-v${version}-${arch}.zip" ...
The properties of these recycled materials are equivalent to those of PBT resin from virgin raw materials. This breakthrough should contribute to efforts to reduce carbon footprints. Toray obtained verification for its new products based on ISO 14021:2016 (see not...
Informacje dotyczące wszystkich praw użytkowania można znaleźć pod adresem eu.playstation.com/legal. ©CAPCOMMONSTER HUNTER STORIES is a trademark and/or registered trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD. and/or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries....
","body@stringLength":"492","rawBody":" @Xubunnytwo 😃 it would take a lot of cans... The path skin is nice and only takes 1 can. https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Monster-Energy-Path-skin-giveaway/m-p/11792476#M218574","kudosSumWeight":0,"repliesCount":0,"post...