... 19 -2- 引言 Jovy Systems 公司成立于2005 年,2006 年正式投产,RE-7500 为 本公司首款产品,适用于BGA 和SMD 返修。 RE-7500 采用红外技术,能广泛应用于各种领域,如 GSM、网络 硬件、医学设备、军事设施等。这使得 RE-7500 在BGA 和SMD返修所 涉及的大部分领域里中成为当之无愧的首选工具。 本手册...
RE-7500全套资料和产品,包括任何硬件和软件,均受版权保护。购买 随机程序仅授权购买者对所附带软件进行备份的权力。 在法律允许的最大范围内,厂商将不为任何因为使用本产品或不能使 用本产品而产生的任何损坏(包括但不限于特别的、附带的、衍生的 或间接的人生伤害、商业利润损失、商业活动中断、商业信息遗失或 ...
作为全球首个路由器总销量突破一亿台,业内领先的家用及中小型企业网络解决方案厂商。Linksys旗下全新EA7500 V2在国内上市的半年时间里迅速走红,成为市售千兆双频路由器中的“爆款”机型。纵观同类别产品,主要性能规格集中在AC1900,由于上市时间久远,普遍采用上一代博通BCM470x主控芯片,不仅功耗高、发热量大,而且技术规...
A questo punto le consiglierei di contattare il supporto tecnico per ulteriori verifiche. Saluti Elisabetta Team NETGEAR Messaggio 8 di 8 0 Kudos Tutti gli argomenti del forum Discussione precedente Discussione successiva Suggerimenti X4 R7500 in castata con fastagate su porta WAN via.....
Buona sera ho lasciato il mode di default che è quello più alto. Il canale l'ho già cambiato con il 36 che sembra un poco più stabile resta
I realized with 'show version' that the first lines showed the new image version, but not the following, so while searching for information I found I had to change the register and I changed (wrongly) to 0x2142. Just from that moment I lost the connection (minicom). I am unable to es...
I realized with 'show version' that the first lines showed the new image version, but not the following, so while searching for information I found I had to change the register and I changed (wrongly) to 0x2142. Just from that moment I lost the connection (minicom). I am unable to es...
i have a problem with a lacp bridge on my hpe flexnetwork 7510.I would like to connect a bridge with 2 ports, one at 10 Gbit / s and one at 1Gbit / s, to a Fortigate.The Fortigate is configured correctly and the documentation says you can do a lacp bridge with por...
作为全球首个路由器总销量突破一亿台,业内领先的家用及中小型企业网络解决方案厂商。Linksys旗下全新EA7500 V2在国内上市的半年时间里迅速走红,成为市售千兆双频路由器中的“爆款”机型。