#7439: no_proxy option is ignored by opkg ---+--- Reporter: sdecugis@… | Owner: jow Type: defect | Status: accepted Priority: normal | Milestone: Barrier Breaker 14.07 Component: base system | Version: Trunk Resolution: | Keywords: ---+--- Comment (by 2016 june jaheim): Replying ...
👇👇👇 当老外跟你说“You're a good-time girl”时,千万不要得意地以为对方是在称赞你是个“守时间的好女孩”,搞错了真的尴尬。那这么这个短语到底是什么意思呢,接下来就一起学习吧! “You're a good-time girl”是什...
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比如下面一段话,我想把它分成五六个词一行(不要求很精确,大概是五六个词就自动分行),请问如何批量操作,You say you're building models of the wordl's ocean systems but how're they going to be used,and more importantly ,when?some fo the data has already helped in completing projects,For example...
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