杨沅却警惕地退了几步,直到身子碰在身后的香几上。 将漆盘中盛着的香橼果儿撞落到了地上几枚,杨沅才只能停下脚步。 这个金国小妞儿说的话,杨沅是连一个标点符号都不信。 他哪来的俊逸风流?就他现在这般模样? 一顶草帽、一件短褐,腰间系着一条皱巴巴的汗巾和一只竹水筒! 下身穿着一条合裆裤儿,打着倒...
One enzyme recyclization reactions in the presence of two substrates and a small amount of a are characterized by a long prestationary phase, in the course of which the distribution of forms varies. The kinetics of the prestationary phase was analyzed theoretically and some equations characterizing...