S1.E15 Kyouki no Sotogawa Subaru stares off in horror amidst Rem's mangled corpse. Everyone in the mansion has been massacred. A resentful voice calls out to Subaru as both his mind and body violently break down among the bodies of the people he loves. ...
S3.E8 ∙ The One I'll Love Someday Wed, Nov 20, 2024 Subaru and the others hold a meeting in the city hall to develop a strategy against the four Sin Archbishops. However, Emilia is slowly running out of time. 8.7/10(1.5K) ...
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season Dai 1 Wa 90-Fun SP 'Gekijô-gata Akui' Lista 7,8Konosuba: As Bençãos de Deus Neste Mundo Maravilhoso Lista 7,5Sword Art Online Lista 8,1That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Lista 7,8The Eminence in Shadow Lista 8,3...
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season Dai 1 Wa 90-Fun SP 'Gekijô-gata Akui' Lista 7,8Konosuba: As Bençãos de Deus Neste Mundo Maravilhoso Lista 7,5Sword Art Online Lista 7,8The Eminence in Shadow Lista 8,1That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Lista 7,7...
但是这题nn只有10001000,可以考虑O(n2logn)O(n2logn)暴力求解。具体地,对于每个aiai,遍历一遍所有的bjbj,设gcd(ai,bj)=dgcd(ai,bj)=d,如果d≠1d≠1,那么就让ans←ans×dans←ans×d,同时让ai←aid,bj×bjdai←aid,bj×bjd。 题目说保留最后99位数字,也就是说在mod109mod109的意义下进行计算,在...
https://sourceforge.net/p/octave/code/11368 I was taking a closer look at the function and noticed the block near the end that is meant to adjust for sundays and saturdays. wd = weekday (hol); if any (wd == 1) hol(wd == 1) = hol(wd == 1) + 1; ...
After more careful inspection, it appears that when New Years Day falls on a Saturday, the holiday is not observed at all. The holidays function does not check that, so modifying line 41 will fix that (and also allow holidays to pass ...
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