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a certificate similarly executed and acknowledged stating that they have agreed on such plan, or a modification thereof, and (2) within 1 year from the date of the filing of such petition, a certificate similarly executed and acknowledged stating the ...
The 801 error would point to a communication or setting issue The error would come up if one of the issues below occurs. When communicating with an SMTP server to send an e-mail/I-Fax, a timeout error occurred from the server.Check whether SMTP is running on the netwo...
The Lost World(失落的世界),《失落的世界》是柯南·道尔的一部长篇科幻小说,讲述了南美洲亚马逊河流域中一块与世隔绝的高原,由于很久以前的一次火山爆发,使它被四周坚硬的峭壁围住,从而被孤立起来,使许多在地球上其它地方早已绝迹的生物存活下。 19世纪与20世纪之
Would you like to open a GitHub issue athttps://github.com/cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd/issues? If you don't, I will. But if I do it, then you won't get automatic notifications about updates, so if you can, it's better if you do it. Feel free to just paste your previous email as ...
"RE" 可以是多个词汇或短语的缩写,具体含义取决于上下文。以下是一些常见的解释: 1. **Reply/Responder(回复)**: - 在电子邮件、论坛帖子、即时消息等通信中,"RE:" 通常用于表示“回复”或“关于”。它告诉收件人这是一封对之前信息的回应。例如,“RE: 您的会议邀请”意味着这封邮件是对您发送的会议邀请的回...
I think we may have some residual permissions errors for executable files during rerenders: conda-forge/stream-unzip-feedstock@b6b7432 cc @hmaarrfkActivity beckermrmentioned this on Oct 24, 2024 stream-unzip v0.0.96 conda-forge/stream-unzip-feedstock#27 hmaarrfk commented on Oct 24, 2024 ...
日常生活中,“辛苦了”是我们挂在嘴边的话。快递师傅送个快递上门,“您辛苦了”,朋友为自己做了一顿饭,“你辛苦了”,时不时还有来自上级的“你辛苦了”…… 那么,“辛苦了”的英文怎么说呢?可千万别翻译成You're tired,这是中式英...
Attribute 1 (int): enable_vlan (Enable VLAN mode) Attribute 2 (none): apply (Activate changes in the hardware) Attribute 3 (none): reset (Reset the switch) --vlan Attribute 1 (int): vid (VLAN ID) Attribute 2 (ports): ports (VLAN port mapping) ...
在网络语言中,“re”有多种含义,主要取决于具体的语境。以下是一些常见的解释: 1. **重新(Re-)**: - “re”常被用来表示“重新”或“再次”的意思。例如,在讨论游戏或任务时,可能会说“re开始”来表示重新开始游戏或任务;在社交媒体、论坛或聊天软件中,当人们想要重新发起一个话题讨论、重新上传一张照片或...