> that is an interesting idea. Is there an overview of the official builds' > versions and Qt versions somewhere? For now I decided to check the Qt > version in the plugin's run method. It's not the best as the user will only > find out when they want to run it, but it is o...
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这样的动画片不多见了《雪怪大冒险》 改编自童书“雪人踪迹”的动画片《雪怪大冒险》算是以一个雪怪的传说世界为主题,用雪怪的角度为主,与人类世界接触。算是过去动画片电影里比较少见的视角。而且不同于迪士尼少触及跨物种沟通。这部影片让雪怪与人设定是无法沟通的,这样的设定是比较有趣的。 喜马拉山是人类无法...
> Subject: [amibroker] Re: Req Can we have afl showing gravity bars with color? > please help > To: amibroker@yahoogroups.com > Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 11:30 PM > > > Â > > > > Your friend is mistaken. > > 1. Any indicator can be programmed in AFL. You just h...