是RDMA通信中,RDMA连接管理器(RDMA Connection Manager,简称RDMA CM)报告的一种事件类型。它表示在解析或绑定地址时遇到了错误。RDMA CM API在建立RDMA连接的过程中,会通过各种事件来通知用户不同的状态,rdma_cm_event_addr_error就是其中之一。 2. rdma_cm_event_addr_error发生的原因 rdma_cm_event_addr_...
listen_id'RDMA_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REQUEST이벤트 유형에 해당하는 수신 요청 식별자를 지정합니다. 이벤트발생한 통신 이벤트의 유형을 지정합니다. 상태이벤트와 관련된 비동기 오류 정보를 반...
rdma_get_cm_event Retrieves the next pending communication event. Syntax #include <rdma/rdma_cma.h> int rdma_get_cm_event(struct rdma_event_channel *channel, struct rdma_cm_event **event); Description Therdma_get_cm_eventfunction retrieves a communication event. If no events are pending, ...
rdma_get_cm_event Retrieves the next pending communication event. Syntax #include <rdma/rdma_cma.h> int rdma_get_cm_event(struct rdma_event_channel *channel, struct rdma_cm_event **event); Description Therdma_get_cm_eventfunction retrieves a communication event. If no events are pending, ...