Ceramics & Glass(MA) 学制:1年制 所属学院:艺术与人文学院 Alison Clark/Held Space 1 – Stoneware and glaze RCA陶瓷与玻璃的精神源于对材料思维、研究和制造变革力量的信念,使新一代艺术家和设计师能够以富有想象力和有意义的方式丰富我们的世界。...
专业:Ceramics & Glass (MA) 作者:Wai Yan Choi 作者的实践根植于材料实验。当两种或两种以上的材料碰撞时,往往会产生不可预知的反应,而这种反应所产生的触觉和视觉效果给了她灵感。 这个系列是基于玻璃-金属反应的材料研究。作者以雕塑结合疫情封锁经验和金属污染危机,讲述了一个关于环境的未来故事: 玻璃的完美透...
官网链接:https://www.rca.ac.uk/study/programme-finder/ceramics-glass-ma/ City Design MA 学术背景要求: 需要建筑、城市设计、城市规划或其他相关设计学科3+2年学士和硕士学位、或硕士同等学历的五年制文凭相关专业。 2. 作品集要求: 3. 语言要求: - 雅思:6.5 - 书面英语测试(TWE):6.0 - 其他技能至少 5...
设施包括木制品、金属制造、塑料和制作空间 陶瓷和玻璃Ceramics & Glass 设施包括热玻璃制造、冷玻璃加工、窑炉成型、石膏模型和模具制造、塑料粘土制造以及粘土和釉料开发区域 学院商店&材料店 这些商店出售各种图形、艺术品、织物和小百货...
○ Ceramics & Glass(MA)陶瓷与玻璃 ○ Contemporary Art Practice(MA)当代艺术实践 ○ Curating Contemporary Art(MA)当代艺术策展 ○ V&A/RCA History of Design(MA)设计师 ○ Jewellery & Metal(MA)珠宝与近视 ○ Painting(MA)油画 ○ Photography(MA)摄影 ...
Air is generally natural, flowing, light and zero waste but it is unstable, impermanent and intangible. Air is not only used for visual expression, but also used as one of the seven building materials by architectural artists after stone, wood, metal, ceramics, glass and film. Artists and ...
| addgene | ademtech | adg | adi | adipogen | adooq | advanced bioscience laboratories, inc | advanced biotechnologies | advanced biotechnologies incorporated | Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing | advanced chemtech | Advanced Environmental Solutions Inc. | advanced immunochemical | advanced immunochemical in...
Over 1,300 students will be showcasing their work across the RCA’s Battersea and Kensington campuses. Programmes exhibiting are Ceramics & Glass MA, Contemporary Art Practice MA, Curating Contemporary Art MA, Jewellery & Metal MA, Painting MA, Photography MA, Print MA, Sculpture MA, Writing MA...
It is home to the Ceramics & Glass and Metalwork & Jewellery departments, and is tucked into the L-shaped plan of the Dyson Building (2012) housing photography and print, and adjacent to the two-storey Sackler Building (2011), which houses painting. The tight complex follows Haworth ...
学生除了UK外,来自约35个国家,混合的背景和天赋使得在学院的学习是一种独特的经历,A,12,学生的作品交流,A,13,学院设置,应用艺术学院 School of Applied Art Ceramics & Glass 陶瓷与玻璃 Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Metalwork & Jewellery (GSMJ) 金银/金属加工与珠宝 6、 建筑与设计学院 School of ...