ArcGIS-Geoverarbeitungswerkzeug zum Hinzufügen einer Raster-Attributtabelle zu einem Raster-Dataset oder zum Aktualisieren einer bestehenden Raster-Attributtabelle.
When you build a raster attribute table, you can maintain its attribute information with this classified raster dataset, as well as define additional fields to be stored in it. For example, there may be specific codes associated with those classes or further descriptions of what those classes rep...
Solved: I am trying to clip a Raster (landcover) with a polygon. The raster has an attribute table but when I clip (Raster Clip in Data Management) the resulting
As far as I can tell, rasterio doesn't yet support reading of raster attribute tables. Our team has a real need for this as we rely heavily on Arc Grid format which can make good use of RATs. I've cobbled together a first attempt at this (borrowing a lot of existing rasterio code)...
IRasterAttributeTableManagerProxy(java.lang.String CLSID, java.lang.String host, com.esri.arcgis.interop.AuthInfo authInfo) Deprecated. protected IRasterAttributeTableManagerProxy(java.lang.String CLSID, java.lang.String iid, java.lang.String host, com.esri.arcgis.interop.AuthInf...
I have some GeoTIFF files that I am showing on an openLayers map using GeoServer. Now, I wish to access a Build Raster Attribute table on my web application. In other words, if a user clicks on a point on the GeoTIFF raster layer, they should see the corresponding value shown by Arc...
This sample shows how to use the attribute table of an ImageryLayer to mask pixels from display. The pixelFilter property of the layer allows the developer to add color to each pixel using RGB values and exclude unwanted pixels.This layer contains land cover data. Each pixel value represents ...
RasterInfo.attributeTable函數(或屬性)的定義如下: attributeTable FeatureSet 與影像圖層關聯的柵格屬性表。它返回像素值的分類映射,例如類、組或類別或成員資格。 例子: layer.when(function() { // accesses the raster attribute table of the layer let rasterAttributes = layer.serviceRasterInfo.attributeTable...
以下は、BuildRasterAttributeTable ツールを実行する Python スクリプト サンプルです。 ##=== ##Build Raster Attribute Table ##Usage: BuildRasterAttributeTable_management in_raster {NONE | Overwrite} import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Workspace" ##Build attribute table for single ...
Vous pouvez exporter une table attributaire de raster de la même manière que pour toute autre table attributaire. La table attributaire de raster doit être en cours de visualisation. Pour en savoir plus sur ces étapes, reportez-vous à la rubrique Affichage d'une table attributaire...