"RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed" 错误通常表明在尝试分配一个新的 ArrayBuffer 时,由于可用内存不足,导致内存分配失败。这种错误可能由多种原因引起,以下是对可能原因、解决方案和预防建议的详细解释: 可能原因 内存不足: 当系统或应用程序的内存使用已经达到极限时,再尝试分配新的内存块会导致此错误。
其实,我们可以按顺序分多次concat写入,修改代码如下: m.merge=(opts) =>{returnnewPromise((resolve, reject) =>{const{ filename, target } = opts;try{// 优化constws = fs.createWriteStream(`${target}/${filename}`);constbufferList = fs.readdirSync(`${STATIC_TEMPORARY}/${filename}`)letlen ...
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed at new ArrayBuffer () at new Uint8Array () at new FastBuffer (internal/buffer.js:951:1) at createUnsafeBuffer (buffer.js:152:12) at allocate (buffer.js:422:10) at Function.allocUnsafe (buffer.js:387:10) at Functio...
RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed at new ArrayBuffer (<anonymous>) at new Uint8Array (<anonymous>) at Function._create1 (http://localhost:55932/dart_sdk.js:32192:14) at Function.new (http://localhost:55932/dart_sdk.js:32155:49) at convert._ByteCallbackSink.new.add (http://loc...
文件大小差不多2个g 压缩执行时候 RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed如何 压缩较大数据呢 zip.folder(`${111}`);//文件夹名称 zip.file(`${111}/111.jpg`, fs.readFileSync("文件路径"), { base64: true }); zip .generateAsync({ type: "blob" }) .then(async (content) => { }) ...
RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed at new ArrayBuffer (<anonymous>) at new Uint8Array (<anonymous>) at new FastBuffer (buffer.js:79:1) at Function.alloc (buffer.js:283:10) at new Buffer (buffer.js:180:19) at module.exports.Reader...
We are using the version 1.4.0 of this library and we are receiving this error when we try to make 500 connections in batches of 10 to Azure Storage: Array buffer allocation failed\nStack: RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed at Buffer.Uint8Array (native) at FastBuffer (buffer.js:11...
ws.write(buffer); ws.close(); resolve({ success: true, msg: 'Section merge completed' }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); reject({ success: false, msg: error }); } }); }; const buffer = Buffer.concat(bufferList, len); ...
文件大小差不多2个g 压缩执行时候 RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed如何 压缩较大数据呢 zip.folder(`${111}`);//文件夹名称 zip.file(`${111}/111.jpg`, fs.readFileSync("文件路径"), { base64: true }); zip .generateAsync({ type: "blob" }) .then(async (content) => { }) ...