a1=rand()%1000;a2=a1*rand()%1000;//rand()就是取随机数了,%1000就是控制范围 因为这样产生的是伪随机数。可以加一个头文件 include<ctime> srand(time(0));之后就可以使用rand()了,这样生成的随机数都是以时间差为随机数种子
如果是 (rand()%1000)/1000.0 rand()%1000 是 取随机数,范围 0 到 999,含 0 和 999,/1000.0 得 0 到 0.999 之一。
For 1000 ZAR, at the 2025-02-03 exchange rate, you will have 385.12239 CNY Convert other quantities from South African Rand to Chinese Yuan Renminbi ZAR Convert CNY 1 ZAR = 0.38512 CNY 1 CNY = 2.59658 ZAR Back to the conversion of ZAR to other currencies ...
1000 CNY = 2525.2578 ZAR Bid Price:2523.9958 Ask Price:2526.52043 Convert 1000 South African Rand To Chinese Yuan Updated:11/02/2025 01:05UTC Currency: CNY - Chinese Yuan ZAR - South African Rand Conversion Rate: 1 CNY =2.52526ZAR
1000 CNH = 0.00 ZAR 5000 CNH = 0.00 ZAR 10000 CNH = 0.00 ZAR Rand to Yuan Conversion ZAR CNH 1 ZAR = Infinity CNH 10 ZAR = Infinity CNH 25 ZAR = Infinity CNH 50 ZAR = Infinity CNH 100 ZAR = Infinity CNH 150 ZAR = Infinity CNH 200 ZAR = Infinity CNH 250 ZAR...
int main(){ srand(time(0));int rnd = rand() % 1000;//产生1000以内的随机数 return 0;} 计算机的随机数是伪随机数,就是用一个公式计算出来的。而这样肯定不会完全随机。使这个结果看起来像是真的随机数的话,就需要把一个比较随机的初值赋给这个生成公式(相同的初值会产生相同的随机数)...
int i, j, n;i = j = n =0;int max_value=0;int min_value=1000;for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ for(j = 0; j < 100; j++){ n++;math[i][j] = rand()%1000;if (math[i][j]>max_value){ max_value=math[i][j];} if (math[i][j]<min_value){ min_value...
Rand1-1000 doesn't have any public repositories yet. 0 contributions in the last year No contributions on March 5th.No contributions on March 12th.No contributions on March 19th.No contributions on March 26th.No contributions on April 2nd.No contributions on April 9th.No contributions on April ...
1000 2,527.8544 2000 5,055.7088 2500 6,319.6360 5000 12,639.2720 10000 25,278.5441 20000 50,557.0882 25000 63,196.3602 50000 126,392.7204 100000 252,785.4408 200000 505,570.8815 500000 1,263,927.2039 1000000 2,527,854.4077 South African Rand Chinese Yuan 1 0.3956 5 1.9780 10 3.9559 20 7.9118...
答案是有的,不过这时候我们就要用到另一个函数了INT函数了, 利用INT函数我们可以随机生成0到1000之间的整数,具体公式为:=INT(RAND*1000) 好了,本节课程到这里就结束了,谢谢大家的观看,我们下一期再见。 如果有什么问题欢迎评论区留言或私信我们,如果有你想知道的函数公式,可以告诉我们,我们及时为你解答。