rails new APP_PATH [options] Options:-r, [--ruby=PATH]#Path to the Ruby binary of your choice#Default: /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p643/bin/ruby-m, [--template=TEMPLATE]#Path to some application template (can be a filesystem path or URL)[--skip-gemfile], [--no-skip-gemf...
%w(cache pids sessions sockets).each do |dir_to_make| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp', dir_to_make)) end end def log_to_stdout wrapped_app # touch the app so the logger is set up console = ActiveSupport::Logger.new($stdout) console.formatter = Rails.logger.formatter...
這三個irb、pry、rails console沒有好壞之分,依不同情境需求,選擇不同工具處理即可。 參考 Pry GitHub Pry - an IRB alternative and runtime developer console Testing your Ruby code: IRB vs. Pry Rubyists, It’s Time to PRY Yourself Off IRB!
从前面的例子可以看出,puts方法会自动在输出的字符串后面加入换行符\n。功能类似的print方法则不会: >> print "foo" # 打印字符串(和 puts 作用一样,但没添加换行符) foo=> nil >> print "foo\n" # 和 puts "foo" 一样 foo => nil 单引号字符串 目前介绍的例子都使用双引号创建字符串,不过 Ruby ...
view source print? 1.# ~/.railsrc 2.require 'logger' 3.Object.const_set(:RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER, Logger.new(STDOUT)) 3. Play in the Sandbox 使用sandbox参数来启动script/console 1.script/console --sandbox 这样所有的数据库修改都会在退出console时被恢复 ...
rails console,rails generate,rails runner These execute the rails command you already know and love. If you run a different sub command (e.g.rails server) then Spring will automatically pass it through to the underlyingrailsexecutable (without the speed-up). ...
This shows information about database queries triggered by any Ruby code you may run in the console. To turn off logging again, run:ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil AttributesView available attributes, formatted using pretty print (pp).For example, determine what attributes contain users' names ...
Enable terminal resize detection in rails console. 1.4.0 Add support for client side hooks.config/spring_client.rbis loaded before bundler and before a server process is started, it can be used to add new top-level commands. Do not boot up the server when using -h / --help ...
Let's start to boot and initialize the app. A Rails application is usually started by running rails console or rails server. 1.1 railties/bin/rails The rails in the command rails server is a ruby executable in your load path. This executable contains the following lines: ...
The following is a code snippet I tried to make a table and write some parameters But as long as the parameter has spaces, it will be wrong I went through the console and found that the result is str2...C - add print to file option at the end of a function say a I have a ...