Praktischer Ratgeber für Einsteiger: Quantitation of mRNA by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Nonradioactive PCR Methods. Von T: Köhler, D. Laßner, A.-K. Rost, B. Thamm, B. Pusrowoit und H. Remke. Springer, Heidelberg, 1995. 166 S., geb., 68,- DM. ISBN 3-540-59192-3. Diet...
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Türkiye Radio by Tunin.FM 4337 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 Türkiye Radio by Tunin.FM最新版截图 # Türkiye Radio by Tunin.FM最新版 版本:1.1.0 Türkiye Radio by Tunin.FM更新内容 Stability Improvements 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂...
(0, 15, 20, 25, cells. The film thickness was controlled by varying 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60 min) to investigate the influ- eanreceexotfretmheeltyhtihckinnewssit-hdienpeanfdewennt aTnioOm2 eotnersth, tehdeetvhiicceknpeesrsfeosrmaraenecset.imBeacteadusbeystohme efildmeptohsicit...
g in der Schweiz]]>doi:10.1002/nadc.19570052304No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
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Schaffer M, Schaffer PM, Corti L, et al. Photofrin Ⅱ as an efficient radiosensitizing agent in an experimental tumor[J]. Onkologie, 2001, 24(5):482~ 485.Schaffer M;Schaffer PM;Corti L.Photofrin Ⅱ as an efficient radiosensitizing agent in an experimental tumor[J],2001....
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During the last years packet radio networks became a subject of increased interest. The combination of packet switching technology together with (digital) radio transmission technique enables networks with new features. One very important design parameter is the adaptive transmission range of stations. A...