Jennifer flung herracquetdown in despair. 詹尼弗失望地把她的网球拍扔在地上. 辞典例句 Let yourracquethead generate the speed. 挥动球拍,发力击打来球. 期刊摘选 A loose and relaxed hitting shoulder is a key factor in getting theracquetfootcontact point. ...
racquet 基本解释 n. 球拍, 网拍式墙球 racquet 网络释义 n. 球拍;网拍式墙球 racquet 词性变化 名词复数形式:racquets 词组短语 1、badmintonracquet[网络] 羽毛球拍 2、racquetabuse = racket abuse 3、racquetmycelium [医] 球拍状菌丝体 4、squashracquet[网络] 壁球拍 ...
Racquet is a quarterly magazine that celebrates the art, ideas, style and culture that surround tennis.
The meaning of RACKET is a lightweight implement that consists of a netting (as of nylon) stretched in a usually oval open frame with a handle attached and that is used for striking the ball or shuttlecock in various games (such as tennis, racquets, or b
racquet英音: ['rækit] 美音: ['rækit] 名词 球拍,拍球戏之一种,球拍型雪鞋英英释义 a sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various games 访问沪江小D查看racquet的更多详...
racquet ['rækit] n. 球拍;网拍式墙球 同义词 n.racket 参考例子 1.The only time during the backswing that theracquetwould possibly pause is shown in Fig. 6 everything else is a continual motion. 在背后拉拍期间唯一一次网拍可能中止在图6中显示,其他每件事是一个连续不断的动作。
squash or badminton. It has an oval frame, with strings stretched across and down it.D:强网球a game for two or four people played with rackets and a small hard ball in a court with four walls学习结束▼词句拓展▼Yeah, well, you don’t have your rac...
racquet [rak-it ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun racquets,(used with a singular verb)a game played withracketsand a ball by two or four persons on a four-walled court. racket2( defs 1, 2, 4 ). Discover More Word History and Origins...