今天在调试rabbitmq时候,使用rabbitmqctl.bat list_users命令查看rabbitmq已有用户时候报错了,错误如下: Error: unable to perform an operation on node 'rabbit@DESKTOP-R8EILKD'. Please see diagnostics information and suggestions below. Most common reasons for this are: * Target node is unreachable (e.g...
The internal RabbitMQ users can be managed from the command-line using therabbitmqctlcommand. Note, that the users from any alternative authentication backends (e.g. LDAP) cannot be inspected or managed with the commands listed below. In this note i will show how to list, create, set permi...
ERLANG_HOME 设置不对。 在rabbitmq的server,sbin下: set ERLANG_HOME=D:\installDev\erl10.2 启动。 如果启动不了,删除erl进程再重新启动 二、常用命令1. 查看用户列表:rabbitmqctllist_users 2. 新增一个用户:rabbitmqctladd_user bruce 123456 3. 删除一个用户 ...