在安装CMplot时,遇到两个报错Installation paths not writeable, unable to update packages和sh: gcc: command not found,分别截图如下: 第一个报错: 第一个报错图 第二个报错: 第二个报错图 我之前安装过一个r语言旧版本,之后又安装了一个新的版本,符合我这种情况,我的方法可能可以解决这个报错问题,其他情况报...
/rtools42/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix/include" -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -mfpmath=sse -msse2 -mstackrealign -c ctapply.c -o ctapply.o sh: line 1: gcc: command not found make: *** [C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-42~1.2/etc/x64/Makeconf:253: ctapply.o] Error 127 ERROR: compilation ...
/bin/sh: gcc-11.2.0: command not found make: *** [R_process_hairpin_reads.o] Error 127 1. 2. 此类错误出现在安装scRNAseq包时,提示我/bin/sh这里没有gcc-11.2.0这个文件。在终端cd到/bin目录下发现有/sh但确实没有gcc-11.2.0,此外/sh应该是个文件不是文件夹,cd /sh则会提示no such directory。
R CMD install -l /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library/ /Users/cjh/Downloads/rJava_0.9-12.tar.gz 最后通过brew下载gcc并设置使用gcc进行编译 brew install gcc which gcc #新安装的这个不叫gcc,叫/usr/local/gfortran/bin/gcc which gcc-9 #查看一下 /usr/local/bin/gcc-9 ...
WARNING:failed to autodetect C compiler version(CC=gcc) Node.js configure error:Noacceptable C compiler found! Pleasemakesure you have a C compiler installed on your systemand/or consider adjusting the CC environment variableifyou installed ...
gcc_impl_linux-64-13.1.0|hc4be1a9_051.7MBconda-forge... 如何用R 后面我们就首先激活环境 conda activate R4.3.1 然后R脚本命令行模式输入一个R就行。退出就输入q()就可以啦~ 进入环境 source activate R4.2.2 conda activate R4.2.2 R命令
Windows下面有直接的安装包,直接下载安装很方便,但是对于CentOS6.0上不能直接通过yum安装R,需要自己编译。 下载页面: http://www.landui.com/mirrors/CRAN/ 在编译R之前,需要通过yum安装以下几个程序: 代码如下: #yum install gcc-gfortran #否则报”configure: error: No F77 compiler found”错误 ...
gcc -Wall -o ass1 filename.c -lm The -lm is to get the maths library. Your program should be written in such a way that it compiles cleanly (no warnings) on dimefox with this command. Note that also means that you should be submitting a single file. ...
gcc -o yourfileoutput yourfile.c g++ -o yourfileoutput yourfile.cpp Do NOT forget the mandatory naming conventions mentioned before! Also inside your code you need to include these header files in addition to any other header file you think you may need: ...
We will test the code on shell.seas.gwu.edu – so be sure your code works on shell (and gcc) before submission. If your code does not compile, you will receive a zero for the project. If your code crashes during normal operation (i.e., the specifications of the project), then it...