THANK GOD for spell-check! Unless you're a spelling bee champion, chances are that you've had to look up how to spell a word at some point. As somebody who writes articles as part of my job, I'm not afraid to admit that there are some words that continue to trip me up!
The name Ronald is meant to connote leadership and power. Fittingly, it was the name of the President of the United States for most of the 1980s, Ronald Reagan. Parents who admired Reagan's presidency may have been especially likely to name their children after the president in the 1980s....
THANK GOD for spell-check! Unless you're a spelling bee champion, chances are that you've had to look up how to spell a word at some point. As somebody who writes articles as part of my job, I'm not afraid to admit that there are some words that continue to trip me up! Using...
a tree, "waiting for reply" or ponderously "transmitting data." Why? Part of it is the Internet's fault. Its ability to handle an enormous amount of data every day trades flexibility for speed. Everyone who uses the Internet shares bandwidth -- ...