Pays d'Afrique0-5,001 588 226 Countries that Start with C0-4.931,582,831 Policz jak najwyżej w 15 sekund0-4,101 579 485 Countries that Start with S0-4.971,545,765 Countries by First and Last Two Letters0-4.831,510,658 U.S. State Capitals Quiz0-4.991,473,069 ...
4,039 2024-04-08 Anzahl der Dinge - Multiple Choice #2 3,997 2024-10-12 Państwa bez węży 3,935 2024-10-26 Anagramas - ciudades españolas 3,888 2018-06-19 Coupe du monde 2018 Footballeurs - Quiz d'images 3,771 2020-06-18 Livre aleatoire à l'auteur aleatoire 3,744 2020...
National Capital Cities quiz with all the countries of the world. The game is played both ways : country to capital city and capital city to country. 3 levels o…