paramètre de performancemammographie normalebreast screening programparameters of performancenormal mammogramNegative predictive value of a normal mammogram to rule out cancer Over the last 15 years the number of breast screening programs has increased steadily. Their contribution to improved public health ...
Cependant, Master Li n'est pas cet algorithme. Brother Song s'attend toujours à ce que Beauty Li souffle l'oreiller, de sorte que le revenu d'attraction de Master Li est bien supérieur au revenu de l'offensant Master Li, de sorte que la valeur United Front de Li Shishi est positive...
Patients who did not read the consent were less satisfied with the given information than those who had read it. The positive reaction of the patients in favour of the form makes it evident that the existence of the form reassures them.J.F. GillionF. Lacaine...
Quelle est la valeur diagnostique de la baisse de la tension artérielle en orthostatisme chez le sujet gé?doi:10.1016/S0248-8663(05)80974-9The high specificity (73 %) of a decrease of 20 mmHg in the systolic blood pressure on the assumption of an upright posture make this test useful...
CapitalizationThe participation in the first pillar of the Romanian public retirement systems (pay-as-you-go) has a negative present value for the affiliate with an average salary. The introduction of capitalization (second pillar) changes this conclusion only in few cases...
Jean-Claude MoisdonCentre de gestion scientifique, École des mines de Paris, 60, boulevard Saint-Michel, 75006 Paris, FranceElsevier SASSociologie Du TravailJ.C. Moisdon, 2000, "Quelle est la valeur de tonpoint ISA ?", Sociologie du Travail, 42, 1, janviermars, pp.31 - 50....
Revue Franaise d AllergologieP.-A. Eigenmann, Quelle est la valeur diagnostique pour l'allergie alimentaire d'un test de provocation positif ? Le test de provocation est-il le reflet d'une reaction reelle ?, Revue francaise d'allergologie, 2009, 49, 286-287....
The positive reaction of the patients in favour of the form makes it evident that the existence of the form reassures them.doi:10.1016/S0021-7697(07)89452-XF. DufourN. GillionV. GrassiC. PolliandG. ChampaultElsevier Masson SASJournal de Chirurgie...