Takotsubo cardiomyopathy preferentially affects postmenopausal women (# 90%). Takotsubo cardiomyopathy mimics an acute coronary syndrome and is defined as a transient left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Diagnosis is based on the criteria of the Mayo Clinic. Stress is found in around 80% of cases: ...
Filtrage du contenuVersion de l’API 2024-05-01-previewPour plus d’informations, consultez le cycle de vie de la version de l’API.Disponibilité générale (GA) du modèle GPT-4 TurboLa dernière version en disponibilité générale de GPT-4 Turbo est :...
Quel est le risque de cancer et de lymphome dans le lupus érythémateux systémique ?doi:10.1016/B978-2-294-71447-4.50024-6Increasing of efficiency of metallurgical technologies together with decreasing of emissions are the most important tasks in abroad and in the Czech Republic for the time ...
Doctor, what is my risk of having a coronary event during my live ?MédecineSang Thrombose Vaisseaux
Twenty years after surgery, 63 (23%) were alive with their native liver. Serum bilirubin was normal in 21 of these patients, 12 also had normal serum aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase...doi:10.1016/S0929-693X(97)86852-2P LykavierisF GauthierO BernardArchives De Pédiatrie...
Psoriasis sévère, au-delà de la peau, quel est le risque à ne pas traiter ?PsoriasisComorbidityMetabolic syndromePsoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disease whose cutaneous involvement is the most visible component. Treating the skin and the psychological effects is the main objective of today'...
Oblitération subtotale après radiochirurgie des MAV: quel est le risque hémorragique?We have evaluated our therapeutic strategy through the results of modalities used alone or in association. Should the place of each modality be modified? What could be the influence of the first consulting ...