S. Ghibu a , C. Richard b , S. Delemasure b , C. Vergely b , C. Mogosan a , A. Muresan cRetour au numéroUn dithiol endogène aux propriétés antioxydantes : l’acide alpha-lipo?que, utilisation potentielle dans les pathologies cardiovas...
In this way, the Rennes manuscript has found its place in the medieval artistic production and in a larger debate; the French Légende Dorée has been re-evaluated in the medieval societydoi:10.4049/jimmunol.1102515Hume, AGrimes, SBoyce, JBibliogr...
Rie´ ra B., Pe´ lissier R. and Houllier F. 1998. Caracterisation d'une mosai¨ que forestiere et de sa dynamique en foreˆ t trop- icale humide sempervirente. Biotropica 30: 251-260.Riera, B., Pelissier, R. & Houllier, F. (1998) Caracterisation d'une mosaique forest...
Acta Crystallographica Section BNguyen-Huy-DongJ. Etienne
This process makes motherhood an archetype of the parenthood, whereas social paternity is conditioned by stability of the couple, and by resources and assets men can provide ex ante to sustain ...