机构发文情况:排在前三名的机构分别是滑铁卢大学、奥地利科学院以及圆周理论物理研究所和加泰罗尼亚理工大学。 5.影响因子和分区 JCR分区情况:在量子科技和物理学综合领域均为Q1。目前在中科院分区为物理与天体物理领域三区。 Quantum的最新影响因子6.777。这本期刊的影响因子呈现出大幅增长的趋势,希望明年还能保持下去。
review process, and broadcasting high quality results in a range of formats. These include original papers, letters, broadly focused perspectives, comprehensive review articles, book reviews, and special topical issues. The journal is particularly interested in papers detailing and demonstrating quantum ...
2021年影响因子为6.568, 同分区期刊还有:Optics Express、Applied Physics Letters、Physical Review B、Optics And Laser Technology、Optics Letters、Results In Physics、Crystengcomm、Physical Review Applied、Journal Of Luminescence、Crystal Growth & Design等。
review process, and broadcasting high quality results in a range of formats. These include original papers, letters, broadly focused perspectives, comprehensive review articles, book reviews, and special topical issues. The journal is particularly interested in papers detailing and demonstrating quantum ...
and application of coherent electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths below one millimeter (i.e., in the submillimeter, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, etc., regions). Whether the focus of a manuscript is a quantum-electronic device or phenomenon, the critical factor in the editorial review of ...
and application of coherent electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths below one millimeter (i.e., in the submillimeter, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, etc., regions). Whether the focus of a manuscript is a quantum-electronic device or phenomenon, the critical factor in the editorial review of ...
review process, and broadcasting high quality results in a range of formats. These include original papers, letters, broadly focused perspectives, comprehensive review articles, book reviews, and special topical issues. The journal is particularly interested in papers detailing and demonstrating quantum ...
review process, and broadcasting high quality results in a range of formats. These include original papers, letters, broadly focused perspectives, comprehensive review articles, book reviews, and special topical issues. The journal is particularly interested in papers detailing and demonstrating quantum ...
review process, and broadcasting high quality results in a range of formats. These include original papers, letters, broadly focused perspectives, comprehensive review articles, book reviews, and special topical issues. The journal is particularly interested in papers detailing and demonstrating quantum ...
and application of coherent electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths below one millimeter (i.e., in the submillimeter, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, etc., regions). Whether the focus of a manuscript is a quantum-electronic device or phenomenon, the critical factor in the editorial review of ...