I have been studying quantum mechanics and I came across Planck's relation which describes the energy EE of a photon as being directly proportional to its frequency ff, with Planck's constant hh as the proportionality constant, i.e. E=hfE=hf. My question arises f...
In quantum mechanics, the only perfectly distinguishable states are those that are orthogonal. For qubits, these are states that are perpendicular on the Bloch sphere. It so happens that the Bell states are orthogonal, so when it comes time for Bob to measure the qubits, he can perform an ...
Here, we present the process of converting open-ended questions to multiple-choice (MC) format. We highlight the construction of effective distractors and the use of student interviews to revise and validate questions and distractors. We examine other elements of the process, including results of...
This view was not shared by everyone. In 1967, Wigner proposed an argument, known as the Wigner’s Friend Paradox, which should show that “quantum mechanics cannot have unlimited validity”2. His idea was to consider the views of two different observers in an experiment analogous to the one...
With thanks to Kristina Lynch for tolerating my many, many, many questions throughout her classical-mechanics course. This story’s title refers to a translation ofGoethe’sFaust. In the translation, the demon Mephistopheles tells the title character, “You let the great world spin and riot; ...
Quantum Interpretations and Foundations Quantum mechanics, many worlds, and its implications -- I have questions Yesterday, 11:50 PM 1 5 6 7 61 121 181 241 250 Filters (No prefix) B Device that detects if someone is looking at the device? May 25, 2023 Replies 23 Views 1K I ...
Chapter 3 Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Questions QM answers 1) How is the state of a system described mathematically? (In CM – via generalized coordinates. Measurement and Expectation Values Q. M. Particle Superposition of Momentum Eigenstates Partially localized Wave Packet Photon – Electron ...
Quantum mechanics, many worlds, and its implications -- I have questions Today, 3:08 AM (No prefix) Sticky InsightsA Beginner Physics Guide to Baryon Particles Dec 16, 2021 Replies 7 Views 7K Sticky InsightsThe 7 Basic Rules of Quantum Mechanics ...
Although quantum mechanics is one of the most successful physical theories and has been experimentally con- firmed extensively, there are many fundamental questions still left unanswered. For instance, the origin of prob- ability in quantum mechanics is not clearly understood. It is still a ...
mechanics has been an indispensable part of science ever since, and has been applied with enormous success to everything under and inside the Sun, including the structure of the atom, nuclear fusion in stars, superconductors, the structure of DNA, and the ...