Qualité Rivière最新版截图 # Qualité Rivière最新版 Nouveautés : - Ajout de la qualité des eaux 2015 - Prise en compte des plantes aquatiques - Evolutions et corrections techniques --- Avec l’appli « qualité des cours d’eau » des agences de l...
Francisco PadillaPierre Gélinascanadian journal of civil engineering
此外,加入意语学友的免费交流社群,添加珊珊微信(shanshanzhang15)并备注“club”就可加入。 优质意语网课(中外教真人出镜视频教学),尽在公众号:说说说意大利语,点右下角“好课试听”进入: 1.《零基础意大利语入门》 2.《和Marco攻下意大利语发音》
For those zones, the IS trajectory is generated to increase the quality. The new parameters (angle and distance of digitizing) provide a sensor position series, belonging to the admissible space previously defined. The whole approach is illustrated through several examplesClaudia MenezesBibliogr...
Guy MorinDaniel CluisDenis CouillardH. Gérald JonesJean-Maurice Gauthiercanadian journal of civil engineering
In this chapter we address the problem of detection and isolation of actuator faults for a Boeing 747-100/200 from the perspective of fault tolerant control (FTC). The main goal of FTC is to allow, afGarcera, LSarrafi, AJestin, LEcochard, RFault Tolerant Flight Control...
modelnadoroualidiaThe objective of this work is to develop an aquatic ecosystem and apply it on Moroccan lagoon systems. This model will keep us abreast of the yearly development of the main parameters that characterize these ecosystems while integrating all the data that have so far been ...