官网binarycreator说明 <location-of-ifw>\binarycreator.exe -t <location-of-ifw>\installerbase.exe -p <package_directory> -c <config_directory>\<config_file> <installer_name> 我的使用方法: C:\Qt\QtIFW2.0.3\bin>binarycreator.exe -p ./Mytutorial/packages -c ./Mytutorial/config/config.xml W...
我的使用方法: C:\Qt\QtIFW2.0.3\bin>binarycreator.exe -p ./Mytutorial/packages -c ./Mytutorial/config/config.xml WeiHua_NetWork_Windows_2018.1.26.exe 五、配置依赖文件 从开始菜单-->Qt 5.7.0-->5.7-->MinGW 5.3.0 (32-bit)-->Qt 5.7 for Desktop (MinGW 5.3.0 32 bit),可以打开 Qt ...
找到QtInstallerFramework-win-x86.exe的安装目录将(C:\Qt\QtIFW-3.0.6\examples\startmenu)这个文件夹中拷贝到指定位置(例如:桌面),可以重命名文件夹的名称(例如:InsterTarget)。 在C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\InsterTarget\config 文件夹中修改配置文件config.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>...
3、examples examples中包含了很多Qt Installer Framework的例子。初学者只需要将例子作为模板,按照自己的情况修改即可。 4、Licenses Licenses中包含了Qt Installer Framework的Licenses,例如LGPL等。 准备 1、目录结构 用QIF生成安装包时,必须先按照规范建立目录结构。 参考examples中的目录结构,例如examples/tutorial目录中...
Licenses中包含了Qt Installer Framework的Licenses,例如LGPL等。 准备 1、目录结构 用QIF生成安装包时,必须先按照规范建立目录结构。 参考examples中的目录结构,例如examples/tutorial目录中的结构如下: 规范的目录结构中,包含一个config文件夹和一个packages文件夹。其中config文件夹中只包含一个config.xml文件,用于描述软...
pythonguipyqt5desktoppython3desktop-applicationpyqt4pyqtpython-appsexample-apppython-guipyqt5-tutorialqtdesigner UpdatedOct 9, 2024 Python mikeroyal/Qt-Guide Star102 Code Issues Pull requests Qt Guide qtawesomecross-platformkdeqmlqtcreatorqt5kde-desktopawesome-listqt-creatorqt-frameworkqtquickqml-bindings...
Here are some links that will explain how to create an online-installer using the QtIFW framework. Once you have figured out how to do that, it's only a small step to the updater library: QtIFW - Tutorial: Creating an Installer: Check this to learn how to create an installer in gener...
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create Threads. As we already know, this is not a recommended way of using QThread not only because we're using lower level APIs for threads but also we may have a scaling issues later on. Qt recommends using QtConcurrent framework which has higher...
:../../bin/binarycreator -c config/config.xml -p packages YourInstaller 非常顺利 duangduangduang, installer制作出来了. 安装包打开后的效果 其他官方链接 在线文档 Qt Installer Framework Manual 使用教程 Tutorial: Creating an Installer | Qt Installer Framework Manual...
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